Sunday, October 26, 2008

Young Voters

There are so many ads and commercials about young voters. I am registered to vote, but I found it was difficult to register for college students. If they do not live in the state where they go to college, a student must register as an absentee voter. My parents are great and I admit I am not very independent. Because of this my mom assisted me with registering. If she had not been so helpful I do not think I would have made the dead line. I understand how important voting is but is there any way to make it easier to register for college students? These are the voters that the country needs most. Did anyone else find it hard to register if they didnt live in the state of their college?

Juicy Campus

I just recently found out about a website called Juicy campus. It is a gossip website for your university. I found this website to be extremely disturbing because not only are the posts anonymous, they can be very hurtful. I know many nice people who have had things written about them on this website.
This website has an immense number of followers and people go onto the website daily. The sad thing is that they actually believe the stuff they read. Many of these posts are written by people who dont even know the people they are writing about.
I think this website at the least should not be anonymous. If someone is too scared to write something about someone with their name attached to it, then they shouldnt be writing the comment at all.
The things said about people on this website can be very hurtful. Please try to ignore the comments on this website and even though it can be enticing, please try to stay away from this website because the more viewers the longer the website will function.