Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cheerleader banned from moving

I found this story about a cheerleader from SMU. I feel this is a story that students need to follow because it is very relavent to their lives at SMU. Jamie Burns was told that she could not cheer because of a heart problem. I am writing this not because of the universities decision, but because everyone should know what kind of person Jamie Burns is. I know her personally and she is the bright and devoted individual. Cheering is something that Jamie loves to do. She lives for the sport and the challenges it brings. Jamie is dedicated to the cheerleading team and continues to support them, even though she was told she could not do what she loves. She is a person that does not let anything hold her back. This is very frustrating to me and others because she is a great person that loves to cheer. I understand the concerns that the university has about her health, but I know Jamie is determined and she will not let the this challenge dampen her spirits. She will not let this ger her down, and I know she will push through this adversity with flying colors.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Work vs. Play

As I went through my day yesterday I found myself with too much to do and very little time. Around 9 o'clock I realized that I still had homework to do. This work was not necessary, and I would usually just go to sleep. This time I decided to stay up and get most of the work done.

In this time from 9pm-1 am I learned just how everyone else at college feels, exhausted. I am used to going to bed at 10:30 or eleven and I never knew how exhausting it was to stay up doing homework. Now you are probably thinking, does she not do her homework? The answer is I always get the necessary assignments out of the way first, and I believe sleep is very important.

Sleep is crucial to a normal functioning life. But the real question is, why do college students stay up till insane hours of the night and insist on exhausting themselves day after day? My answer to this question is there is not enough time in a day to complete every task given to college students. We are supposed to be extremely social and get all our work done at the same time. This just is not possible. Being social is a huge part of life, but i feel that everyone expects you to spend a huge amount of time devoted to this one subject. There just is not enough time in a day for work and play. I am not saying in any way that if you are social then you are a bad student. I am saying that to balance precious time is difficult and sometimes the ball gets dropped.